Saturday 30 January 2016

3 Foods That Help Prevent Heart Disease | Healthy Food

3 Foods That Help Prevent Heart Disease | Healthy Food

The 3 groups of foods that help to prevent heart disease are omega-rich foods, phytochemical-rich
foods and high-fiber foods. The omega-3-rich foods are things like wild salmon, organic
eggs, flax seed, hemp seeds and chia seeds. Omega-s are really important for reducing
overall inflammation throughout your cardiovascular system.

The high-fiber foods that you really want to focus on to help your cardiovascular health
and prevent heart disease are whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Now, high-fiber foods
actually help reduce cholesterol in your body. Your body uses fiber to remove excess cholesterol,
so that's super important for your cardiovascular health.

Phytochemical-rich foods are foods like berries, so you can start incorporating organic fresh,
seasonal berries and even frozen berries into your daily routine, and that's going to help
overall strengthen your heart, your cardiovascular system, your veins, and it's also going to
build your blood and help flood your body with chemicals that are going to provide a
healthy overall system, as well as your cardiovascular health.


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