Saturday 30 January 2016


Healthy Food Blog


And I breathe life into my kitchen I think that's what everybody is there any
kind diet and likely will not actually made a video w not too long ago I mean
just one thing I like about a low and when I haven't come around the screen as
well as you can hear my story and one of them only show you with a quick look at
my friend looked at him like eating and had bought the time I met the couple
months ago she could contribute up but he won't do I have only struggled with
weight actually in my stomach and a lot a lot of water way he would walk by me
you seen him became you'd be like her life when are you do because I looked
legit look like I was like three four months pregnant is really bad I was
always really self-conscious about it i three you four years ago I really
started working out and changing my diet it really is true what they say you
can't work out and have been trying to 80% what you eat and then 20% that jeff
is definitely I'm feeling so my waterway in my stomach I really didn't start
coming off like a year year and a half ago when I started right
did the jump to the soda the rebels all that I don't everything the same thing
everyday I have to make variations and in the video I will show you what I like
about four so we start off with is a lemon water I'm a person that water and
printed it for you.

Healthy Food Blog

the jury let me start with a glass of lemon water and we're done drinking
they're making ever had only on what make an intense only on our way to root
and then I have some cash you milk with it I really don't like people bloated
and I really really love cash in particular and I'm going through this
morning I have an interview which is like epically do get chopped up half a
billion on all happy the other half like straight from the
blueberries raspberries and strawberries blueberries are usually policemen and
then typically only black cheaper energy or coffee this morning I need my coffee
with my oatmeal and toast with peanut butter or applesauce or I could keep it
pretty simple lunch with a few things we make two hundred other day I had toasted
bagel sandwich either way I could play hooky turkey or chicken
Munster cheese because place cheese is completely unlike real chief I swear
like I really like the third and Pinot she is my favorite video game and I
always use honey mustard however you must really like the taste better and I
really like naming the typically eat toast and then like a family enjoy a
bagel from high heat the bagel sandwich without the breath on you like to choose
all do meet
mustard and im jus like pickles early but you choose another will once they
like to do with the tasting chicken patties that was to catch up and there
was some mixed vegetables and that is critical and although in my lunch I so I
cut up a meeting at a mock me know and then I lately you can read and then I
also have been some Republicans are caught up in the fridge and I didn't eat
anything like with that thought for those who drink some tea time I'll have
water throughout the day.

something different at all have tea or coffee majority of the time go by before
the gym I needed something to pick me up later in the day
thing a little pull off the far left and then when I got back from my workout and
a protein shake I will have a video on how I make my protein shakes with
organic protein powder about that but it will get done in description the matter
what I will try it was time to make dinner and starving so it was kind of
like a late dinner because the chamber while so I had a big piece
actually like what happened I just a thing once a child up some red skin
potatoes my favorite things to make I just added some salt and pepper mixed
frozen vegetables it was green beans carrots and peas you people out the
latest up another tomato an afternoon of that pete i feed my family needs me and
then I had just a little bit of catch up with the clip on accident
showing that even with either the baby dash and then just a garlic pepper let
me make myself believe me I believe we have a meeting tonight if I feel like I
need to have some help I will have my sleepy time tea it keeps and I
absolutely love it but this particular one is by a lot of me
caffeine free of course just healthy you it's pretty like bill
that oil from water in my couple you'll see in the video
throughout the day I dream about the house for a min then get them to the dog
but I always make it legal going by my head above water also helps that I
really do hope you guys enjoyed it.


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