Saturday 30 January 2016

Top 10 Foods that Can Kill You

Top 10 Foods that Can Kill You

You may not be alive after you devoured these even a drop of poison can be fatal
welcome to watch modern are calm and today we're counting down our picks for
the top 10 foods that can kill you
we don't care what they look like lead in any way they can fit on a plane for
this list we're looking at those edible foods that may be fatal if you eat or
prepare them the wrong way at the eat too many of these guys they might just
be deadly
we're excluding foods that many people are allergic to such as peanuts and
shellfish because those are harmless to a majority of people from number  pero
likely first found in southeast asia the thick stems leaves and leaf stems of
this plant are often used and eaten as vegetables the Tarot is a root crop with
light purple stems that are cooked in various ways and can be used both in
main meals and in dessert however when wrong you should stay far far away from
this plant why
well it contains a toxic chemical compound called calcium oxalate which
when consumed can lead to kidney stones and in extreme cases death so if you
want to be safe
roast broil or bake it but if you want to be even more prudent about it try
adding a bit of baking soda or drinking a glass of milk when you've got a
terrible craving to satisfy number nine ghost pepper hot
are you one of those people that hate putting Tabasco sauce on your food
because it makes things too spicy well multiply that favored by exactly  and
1.5 and you have the intensity of the ghost pepper or so bad
also known by names like boot Jolokia and ghost chili this hybrid pepper is
one of the world's hottest boots and it is definitely not advised that you eat
too many of them are consuming a few at a time is fine albeit a little rough on
your mouth eating too much at once can result in severe stomach issues as well
as seizures and heart attacks which could obviously result in a painful
death as cool as Rocky Balboa makes it look take our word for it and never eggs
not only are they slimy and disgusting but like uncooked meat eating rides can
result and salmonella poisoning which is definitely not a fun experience it's
such an intolerable pain de hunched over you you you've got a hot pack on your
stomach he just trying to relieve the pain somehow but it just doesn't go away
furthermore the consumption of uncooked eggs can result in severe diarrhea and
vomiting which can quickly lead to dehydration and death if such symptoms
are not looked after and the worst case the bacteria can get into the
bloodstream and cause a severe infection called sexes that's life threatening and
if you have a weak immune system then even more serious complications can
occur it's just not a good idea
aqui are you eating fish native to West Africa the acting is a fruit that is
popular on the Caribbean island especially Jamaica so if you're ever on
vacation it's probably better for you to steer clear of this seemingly tropical
fruit the inedible and unripe and parts of an aqui contained the powerful and
fatal toxins hypoglycemia A&B which when consumed can lead to very low glucose
levels and hypoglycemia as well as what's known as Jamaican vomiting sick
in extreme cases it can even cause seizures and death
the fruit is so dangerous that importing can a key was temporarily limited in
America so it's likely that you've never even seen or heard of it before
number six ji many would call it ugly and disgusting the one thing they
wouldn't call it is dinner you might not recognize this by looking at it but
Sonakshi ho is actually a popular snack and Korea and what is it exactly you ask
its live octopus
that's right this small underwater organism with eight arms is still alive
as in slithering around on the plate when its served that means that when you
consume Sonakshi you are taking the risk of having the suction cup stickier
esophagus on the way down which can lead to choking and even death many reports
have been made of people died while eating Sonakshi which begs the question
why did they still serve it
their break their very brave number five
mushroom and that one is poison there really are a wide variety of mushrooms
there is the delicious edible type that have been eaten for centuries
there's the type that make you see pretty colors
and then there's the poisonous type that can painfully kill you if you consume
poisonous mushrooms can take a varying amount of time to take effect but
generally consumption leads to kidney liver or respiratory failure
depending on what kind of fungus you've eaten just be especially careful if you
pick them in the wild as some of them look quite similar to the edible ones
while stomach problems are the most common consequences of mushroom
poisoning death is not out of the question either number for elderberry
going in both the northern hemisphere as well as South America and Oceania the
sambucus may look delicious but eating them can be extremely hazardous to your

Top 10 Foods that Can Kill You

various parts of the plant such as the leaves and seeds as well as the berries
themselves contain cyanide inducing glove side so when eaten uncooked and
ingested into the human body parts been produced you guessed it essentially
eating large amounts of raw elderberries is like swallowing a cyanide pill
needless to say it won't turn out well for you
number three after fish or blowfish who messes one of the more famous examples
of a deadly fruit the Blowfish is known worldwide for its toxicity and harmful
effect the organs of the Blowfish also known by names like the puffer fish and
Foucault and Japan are extremely poisonous because they contain highly
toxic neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin blowfish
it's a red but the man who has no fear of an excruciating death if you eat
those parts and are poison this can quickly lead to paralysis while you're
still conscious and eventual death that's why it's actually illegal for the
Emperor of Japan to consumers only chefs who have undergone years of training are
allowed to prepare and serve the fish as a delicacy in restaurants and we're glad
of that at least these grill piece about I should warn you that one number two
almond years service just I see them are notoriously mister women you know I
don't like guns on myspace comments are so potentially dangerous when consumed
at the you s Department of Agriculture made it mandatory for the seeds of the
almond tree to go through a special heat treatment and pasteurization as of 2007
this is done to avoid infections by Salmonella however we should also
explained that there are different types of moments such as the sweet and bitter
kinds and it's the better ones that you need to be careful of why they are much
higher in cyanide then the sweet ones which barely have any certain cultures
used to use bitter almond extract medicinally but even minuscule doses can
prove fatal especially in children they're even illegal to sell or buy in
New Zealand due to their potential danger fortunately bitter almonds in
general consumption are rarely found since the sweet kind are what sold in
stores it's just that bitter almond contamination cases have also been
reported on occasion before we unveil our number one pick here are some
honorable mentions because the leaves are actually not edible they contain
toxic levels of oxalic acid and their poison the researchers conclude that
while much cheaper for use and probably less dangerous than heroin you don't
want to take too much pick through a pound of Dr red kidney beans to discard
any broken or discolored beans

Number one potato potatoes everyone's favorite side dish especially when
you're having meat potatoes are generally safe eating correctly and in
time but when they turn green stay away
potatoes producer Glencoe alkaloid called so many and just as this natural
poison deters predators it also deters humans as it is toxic in one case from
1899 56 German soldiers all experience the symptoms of salmonella poisoning
which can include diarrhea vomiting headaches coma and even death
an average grown male would only have to consume roughly one pound of green
potatoes to become fatally poisoned although we're not sure why anyone would
want to consume bring potatoes in the first place
do you agree with our last what poisonous food do you consider the
deadliest there is no known cure and is particularly cruel as you start to feel
better just before you die more eye-opening top tens published every day.


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