Sunday 31 January 2016

6 Foods You Should Never Eat | Healthy Food Blog

Healthy Food Blog

6 Foods You Should Never Eat | Healthy Food Blog

There are six foods that you should never eat. The top foods you should never are high
fructose corn syrup which causes your liver to be put under a lot of stress and produce
more fat cells. High fructose corn syrup is metabolized in a very different way, so you
want to completely avoid high fructose corn syrup.
Another food to avoid is cottonseed oil. Now, cottonseed oil is found in a lot of processed
snack foods, packaged foods, chemicalized junk foods. Cottonseed oil is not a food.
It's not a food plant that we're traditionally exposed to as human beings. Because it's not
a food crop it can be sprayed with all kinds of pesticides and fertilizers that aren't
allowed on food crops. So avoid the cottonseed oil.
The next food that you should avoid is farm raised salmon. Farm raised salmon is given
a lot of chemicals, a lot of antibiotics, growth hormones that end up coming into your
body when you consume it.
Another food that you should always avoid are canned tomatoes. Canned tomatoes come
in cans that are lined with a chemical known as BPA which is a hormone disruptor. You don't
need anything else disrupting your hormones.
Another food you should always avoid is microwaved popcorn in those prepackaged bags. Those bags
are lined with chemicals that are linked to all kinds of cancers. You do not need extra
chemicals in your popcorn. What you can do instead is for a few bucks extra buy yourself
an air popper. It's much cheaper over time, and you're avoiding all the chemicals.
And the last food that you should always avoid is nonorganic dairy products. Dairy animals
are raised with lots of antibiotics and growth hormones. You do not need the added chemicals
in your body. If you do consume dairy you want to get only organic dairy products.


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