Sunday 31 January 2016

Boost Metabolism With Foods That Help Burn Belly Fat and Weight Loss

Boost Metabolism With Foods That Help Burn Belly Fat and Weight Loss

Healthy Food Blog,

8 Foods That Help Lose or Burn Belly Fat and Even Weight Loss
You may find it hard to believe that there are delicious foods you already love that
can actually help you fight belly fat. Lucy Danziger, editor-in-chief of self magazine
is here to tell us, what those foods are and how they work. She's also gonna clear up the
mystery of blue berries based on the last segment, but we'll have to wait until we get
to that. So, stay tune for the blue berries.
Luzy it's good to have you with us as always. Thanks for having me...
I like it because I look across this table, these are all really delicious, yummy foods.
Probably we all made this resolution to get to the gym and not eat fat foods. The truth
is, when you eat the right foods, you can eat a lot, and you can get rid of that belly
fat. I'm in, without doing all the upper exercises, it doesn't hurt to that as well.
First, we have the avocado. We've heard so much about avocado being a healthy fat. What
so good about it? Your body needs fat, and so I say instead of using mayonnaise on your
bread, try a little guacamole because this has mono-saturated fat which help your body
keep that blood sugar nice and steady. And so, obviously, you don't want too much fat,
but half of an avocado with a little bit of dressing is a great way to get healthy fat.
Ok...that's gonna keep that blood sugar nice and low. So, you don't have to spike too hungry...that's tired.

Healthy Food Blog

Boost Metabolism With Foods That Help Burn Belly Fat and Weight Loss

Bananas also. Ok, potassium is the anti-sodium. So, if you're bloated, if you're feeling a
little puffy have a banana or half a banana...really...and that's gonna get rid of that bloating right
away. I love that... I know, so really works,too.
I'm obsessed of great yogurt, I eat a lot of too. Mainly I like it because
it's such a high-protein level. That's right. So, you can find one you like. I happen to
like this, but some people like a smooth quality. And, when you have that in the morning, that
protein helps set nice steady blood sugar all day long. Talk to me a little about for
peope who may not, who may just eat a different kind of yogurt. Right. Great yogurt has really
a high protein content because it's strained which make us so sick, correct? So, what you
want is that densed protein because what's that gonna do is keep your blood sugar from
going too high. If you have a sugary cereal for breakfast or a pastry, your blood sugar
goes way up, your insulin goes way up and if you're not going out and ran around, your
body learns to store it as fat. Ok. So, let's not do that. Let's have this high protein
and keep the blood sugar steady. I know a lot of people eat yogurt, so many people eat
yogurt, is doing yogurt is going to benefit them most. If you have certain sugary yogurt
in the morning...not as good as the say add berries.
I tell my kids, this is nature's candy. You can have as much blueberry and strawberry
as you like. Just wash you teeth afterwards so they stained away. Exactly... The good
thing about this is that it's full of antioxidants. So, when you do go and exercise or walk, this
is gonna make all those oxygen go to the muscles so much easier. You gonna have great orgap
and your blood sugar stays nice and steady. Yes, it's the nature's blood sugar, nature's
sugar is gonna keep it steady.
Ok, a little perhaps sugar, though isn't so bad. You're saying we can have chocolate,
skim milk. I love chocolate and after you workout, this is the perfect recovery food.
Some muscles can get little sore, maybe the muscles can get ache or tired. This is gonna
help them recover faster, so you can feel great, and you want to do it again. What about
chocolate and skim milk, helps me recover faster. So, it's a perfect combination of
protein and carb, and try to find one that's low in sugar. Ok, because that's really gonna
make the difference, you're not gonna replace everything, but not fake sugar. Well, I like
the kind of little less sugar added. OK... I mean it's good stuff. Chocolate milk, common...
it taste great.
Green tea once again. It has a special compound called ECGC that helps rev the metabolism.
And in fact people who drink 3 cups a day have their metabolism spikes, that they're
burning more calories and more fat, all day long. Typically a switch for coffee. I love
coffee, but if you place a couple of cups a day, you gonna rev that metabolism. Alright,
I'm making a note of that one.
Also, citrus fruits and peppers. OK, any vitamin C, they have found that this will help you
burn 30% more fat. You gonna zap fat. When do I have to eat it to make it that happen....Anytime...Vitamin
C in your body, and I say any woman say to me, I don't know what to bring with me as
a snack, this is a perfect snack right in your purse. It will keep for hours. And better
to have this in the morning than say a glass of orange juice, right, because you have more
fiber from the fruit itself.
And speaking of fiber... look for a brand that has 4 grams. 4 grams of fiber in your
bread and whole grains. Yes of course, but a lot of the labels will boost all sorts of
whole grains. 4 grams of fiber is it, and if you're gonna have a sandwich or toast,
that is a way to go. It keeps you full, it keeps that pressure nice and low, and you
will feel great. And, in fact if you get 35 grams of fiber a day and this says 10 grams,
you are burning 6% more calories than if you didn't. Just by sitting still. So, eat fiber,
it's not just for old ladies, it's good stuff.
There you go, I think that sums it all perfectly. And you can go to, and get recipes
for all of these...or do a jumpstart....
 Foods That Help Lose or Burn Belly Fat and Even Weight Loss.


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