Sunday, 31 January 2016

Healthy BBQ Baked Beans | #10HealthyMeals | DJ BBQ

Healthy Food Blog

Healthy BBQ Baked Beans | #10HealthyMeals | DJ BBQ

What's that? You guys want a baked bean recipe?
With BBQ flavours? Where you bring the BBQ in doors?
Well it is that time of the year Food Tuber's. I'm DJ BBQ. You ask and you shall receive.
BBQ'd baked beans. It's a tasty, healthy, rad dish.
We've got vegetables, we've got flavours, we've got beans, we've got pulses, we've got all
that awesome noise coming your way.
In our foundation of flavour. We've got two chopped red onions, we've got two chopped whole carrots,
two chopped cloves of garlic, and the all important chile.
Everybody say with me. Chile.
One more time. Chile.
Okay, so now we're going to add a bit more flavour to the foundations of our awesomeness.
One level teaspoon of chilli flakes.
Leave out the chilli if you want to.
A level teaspoon of cumin seeds.
Get in there cumin seeds.
A heaped teaspoon of paprika.
And then we hit it with some olive oil.
And mix all those lovely flavours together.
Lets have a party. Woo!
So, there's our lovely base flavours. So these go into the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes,
until they turn soft.
350 degrees Fahrenheit for my friends on the other side lake Atlantic.

Healthy BBQ Baked Beans | #10HealthyMeals | DJ BBQ

There you go.
Have fun little dudes.
Whilst those cats are cooking in the oven I'm going to prep the sweet potatoes,
So we;re going to get six sweet potatoes rocking.
We'll hit them with some olive oil,
Sea salt,
and pepper.
And then we give them a lovely massage.
Hey, can we play some baby making music right now?
And we massage our sweet potatoes.
Make sure that all that sweet, sweet love comes pouring out.
Our sweet potatoes have been seasoned and massaged with olive oil,
so we're going to go into the oven for about an hour at the same temperature as the vegetables.
And these guys get to come out, and that's what you want to see.
Nicely softened up, and these guys need the next layer of flavour.
Two cans of beans, you can use any beans. So get them in there.
It all goes in.
Then, we're going to add a big old bottle of possata.
Two sprigs of rosemary.
Finely chopped.
So stir up all those flavours. Now, we bring the outdoors in.
With 100ml of BBQ sauce. Now, you can use store-bought stuff, or you can make mine, or you can
make Jamie's.
Mine's a little bit better.
But Jamie's is so good.
Try mine.
100ml of BBQ sauce goes in.
Smokey, sweet, goodness.
So the BBQ sauce, the beans, the possata, the chopped tomatoes, all those flavours,
with that chopped rosemary all go into our tray.
And it goes back into the oven to join our six sweet potatoes.
Until they are done.
Remember, a 180 degrees Celsius,  degrees Fahrenheit.
So in the mean time, I'm going to do some popping and break dancing for the next  minutes.
Hey what's up guys.
Alright, I've got one more layer of rad flavour.
You don't have to do this, but if you do it's going to take this thing to the upper atmospheres of radiliciousness.
And that is. Cheesy croutons.
So, we got our tray.
You know, any kind of left-over bread you got, make some croutons.
So I'm only going to use half this bad boy.
Alright, so I'm going to grab some olive oil and drizzle it on the bread.
And now we're going to need about 40 grams of cheese.
And we're going to make it rain.
Cheddar cheese.
It's my favourite kind of rain.
So forty grams onto our ripped up bread,
So it goes in the oven. You guys need twenty more minutes and then you all become one.
Get a room. Food dudes.
So the beans, they just smell phenomenal.
And the sweet potatoes are looking lush.
We've also got the croutons.
Oh man, there's a tear trickling down my cheek because I'm so happy with these beans.
Get down here. Look at these guys.
I mean all that kind of juice has reduced and intensified the flavours of that BBQ sauce.
Man, those onions and that kind of spicy chillis have all embedded themselves into these beans.
These are so good!
But we're not done man.
We've got to add the sweet potatoes.
Throw them in there. We're going to give them a little bit of a smush,
and then we're going to add our croutons.
That you can take to the table, and serve it up and share it.
Or say you just want a meal for one, right? So you grab yourself a plate,
You grab yourself a sweet potato, you grab a knife and you go for the lightening bolt cut.
Push it up like that.
You get a big spoonful of the beans, and you drizzle some yogurt on top.
Throw a couple of them croutons on the side there.
Goodness gracious. Lets get in there.
Those beans are so smokey and sweet and delicious with a tiny bit of a kick.
Oh man, that is so good.
Now this dish, and loads of other healthy recipes are on There's a link down below.
And if you haven't subscribed to Food Tube yet hit the button over there.
And I'd love to see you guys over on my channel DJ BBQ for lots of outdoor smokin' and grillin'.
And if you want to take a break from your screens, you can check out my cook book.
There it is. The BBQ Book, by DJ BBQ.  recipes to change the way you grill.
I'm DJ BBQ and I'm going to finish the rest of this rad sweet potato, with baked beans and cheesy croutons.
Check you guys next time.


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